
Dedicated to making work easier and safer for generations of personal and commercial users ever since it was founded 70 years ago, the company established itself as the leading household safety equipment manufacturer. Innovative products are designed and manufactured in Germany and sold in several markets across the world.

Challenges & Goals

Dedicated to making work easier and safer for generations of personal and commercial users ever since it was founded 70 years ago, the company established itself as the leading household safety equipment manufacturer. Innovative products are designed and manufactured in Germany and sold in several markets across the world.


There was a rise in customer complaints due to late and sometimes incorrect order shipments to the US customers. Inefficiencies in the order capture and processing resulted in delays and incorrect products being sent to customers – impacting customer experience, satisfaction and ultimately the revenue from the US market. With the focus on improving customer experience and accelerate growth; the company needed to improve order capture and processing processes as well as ensure scalability for the anticipated growth.

  • Effectus team started with meeting various stakeholders and process owners to identify needs and better understand existing tasks, processes as well as activities involved in daily US operations with data-based validations.
  • A detailed assessment report was created and presented to the leadership team with current pain points of stakeholders, bottlenecks, automatable tasks, areas for cost-saving opportunities.
  • We created an impact based 6 months Milestone Project Action Plan focused on transforming three areas – Order Management, Operations Management and Supply Chain Logistics.
  • During the project, the Effectus experts worked closely with the client team to redefine roles and responsibilities at the resource level to manage the entire supply chain accurately and efficiently.
  • Automated manual order management processes and implemented effective technology solutions to track and monitor the inventory.
  • Developed data-driven intelligence at every step to offer visibility into inventory, sales, orders, accounts receivable/payable, vendor management and customer service.


The company was able to eliminate order inaccuracies and ensure timely delivery of orders with streamlined and automated processes. Insights help employees and management team to take proactive actions to ensure they are delivering an exceptional experience to customers, effectively managing inventories and sales and provide support to their vendor partners.

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Sam Billings
VP Operations, Gatorade

Areas Effectus Worked In

Operational Analysis
Impact-based Roadmap
Process Re-engineering
Process Automation
Technology Assessment & Selection

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