Great! You have answered all the questions. Here is your final score.
Due to a crisis or a need to implement an overarching process e.g. recording employee absenteeism or expense claims, a manager or department might have developed some processes.
These, however, have been developed in isolation to other managers, departments and functions under a sort of “I’m all right Jack” attitude which doesn’t extend the benefit to the organization as a whole. If you scored closer to 49% in this range, you have probably embraced business process management for “clusters” of processes.
This might be your Environmental Health and Safety processes, or some other departmental processes. These “clusters” often emerge due to the need to meet the requirements of a new regulation or because of the introduction of a new manager who, being used to the benefits of higher process maturity from a previous organisation, applies and transfers his or her process prior knowledge to the new job. Whilst both of these approaches are a good start, and some business benefits are delivered, processes are not joined up and it’s not possible to see how they interact with other business processes.